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quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2019

Expondo a minha dura realidade aos americanos

_ I thought you were in the United States, José. I thought we could be more closer than this, but distance sucks - disse uma americana.

E eu disse:

1) I am not guilty to be born and raised in Brazil. That's my circumstance and I have to accept it. You americans are familiar with to get all the things easily. But they don't come easy here, even the most simple. Life is tough here, so distance is not a problem for me.

2) I prefer to deal with someone who lives abroad than dealing with someone who is mediocre and is my next door neighbor. It's very easy to find mediocre people nearby and I don't want to get closer to those people. In fact, they are too close to me, more than I really wanted. That's why l developed all my intellectual and social life in places like Facebook, for example. It's better than nothing. All the best people I met live far from me. There's no smart life in Rio de Janeiro. It's more problably to find it in Mars, not in here.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 27 de março de 2019.

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