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terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2024

On the importance of constant benchmarks to convince people in your household to buy a more modern computer - an account of my personal experience

1) Since I started working on the computer that my brother brought from the United States — around the middle of the last decade, more precisely in 2016 — I began to benchmark the games I received for free from GOG and Epic Games. Most of them, being more recent than 2016, don't run properly on the machine I was using or simply don't run at all. In most cases where performance issues occurred, the problem was the graphics card, which is inadequate for today's games.

2) After presenting so many benchmarks over the months, my brother told me he is going to bring a gaming computer from Bahrain. It is an HP Victus 15. By showing him the benchmark test of this computer concerning the main games on the market, he was reassured since it runs most current games and still covers most of the benchmarks I presented to him.

3) His reassurance indicates me that he made a good investment — which is a good sign because now I will be able to play many of the games I have and monetize properly through Honeygain — the performance will be on the level of GeForce Now.

4.1) In any case, I will continue to receive free games over time — as the years go by, we will change computers to accommodate one that can run games from future generations.

4.2) Since this computer will come from Bahrain, the keyboard will be in Arabic — as I have been doing with the Lenovo, the computer that will be replaced, I will use an external keyboard and will be able to work normally as I have always done. This way, I will be able to write in Portuguese and Polish, as I have always done.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 2, 2024 (date of original posting).

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