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sábado, 20 de julho de 2024

The Real Plan for a Global Scientific Dictatorship

(0:05) Understanding the gravity of the book summarized later, which is a kind of instruction manual for gaining power over the world, requires an introduction to who its author was and the influential circles he belonged to. (0:19) In the well-known book The Time Machine, society a million years in the future has evolved into two distinct species called Morlocks and Eloi. (0:31) The Morlocks represent the ugly, dirty producers who live underground in this age and manage global production.

(0:41) The Eloi are the result of breeding by the elite, who at this time are simple-minded, Aryan, above-ground dwellers, living idly and consuming only what the Morlocks produce. (0:57) What was the price of this? (1:00) The Morlocks occasionally go on hunts to kidnap and eat unsuspecting Eloi in this symbiotic, vicious cycle of life.

(1:12) This famous story was written by a young British writer in 1893, whose ideas and pioneering work helped shape new cultural warfare techniques that would have a profound impact on the next 130 years of human history. (1:34) These ideas led to the development of innovative predictive programming techniques and mass psychological warfare. (1:44) In contrast to the optimistic view of humanity and the potential of the future that the great science fiction writer Jules Verne had previously presented, these misanthropic novels by Wells had the intended effect of diminishing the creative potential and love for humanity that Verne's work had awakened.

(2:06) To put it more clearly, the technique is as follows. (2:10) By shaping society's imagination about the future and embedding existential and nihilistic consequences in his stories, Wells realized that it was possible to influence the entire zeitgeist of humanity at a deeper level than ordinary conscious reasoning would allow. (2:31) Because he dressed his poison in the garb of fiction, the minds of the recipients of his stories were deprived of the ability to think critically and simply accepted all the Trojan horses embedded in them into their subconscious.

(2:46) This is an insight that has been used for over 100 years by social engineers and intelligence agencies whose goal has always been to willingly enslave all people on earth. (2:58) Although Wells is best known for such works of fiction as The War of the Worlds, which was used for the famous radio experiment that caused mass panic over an attack from space, (3:11) or others such as The Invisible Man, The Island of Doctor Moreau, and The Time Machine, his lesser-known writings, such as The Outline of History, The Science of Life, World Brain, The Open Conspiracy, and The New World Order, (3:29) served as guiding strategic plans for the entire twentieth-century war against sovereign nation-states and the very idea of a society built in the likeness of God. (3:42) Members of the London oligarchy, to whom Wells devoted himself at a young age, were stuck in a rut at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. (3:50) These inbred families and mistresses who ruled the dying British Empire had long been plagued by the vices of decadence when a young man of low birth and great talent appeared in the London ghettos, treating syphilis patients as a surgeon's assistant.

(4:08) This young surgeon was named Thomas Huxley. (4:14) Huxley possessed a deep misanthropy and intelligence, which were soon discovered by influential patrons, and in the mid-1920s this young man became a rising star of the British Royal Academy of Sciences. (4:29) There he quickly became a leading creative force, shaping the powerful British X Club, serving as the so-called Darwin's bulldog, promoting popular debates with him against literal members of the Clergy.

(4:43) In these debates, he advocated for a Darwinian interpretation of evolution based on chaos. (4:50) He also founded the journal Nature as a propaganda tool, which is still used today to enforce scientific consensus in favor of a global empire. (5:05) Huxley carefully selected his opponents to easily and publicly refute the arguments of simple-minded Anglican clerics and thus convince all onlookers that the only choice they had to explain the evolution of new species was either literal biblical creationism or his Darwinian evolution.

(5:26) Many alternative scientific theories of the 19th century, such as those found in the works of Baer, George Cuvier, or Lamarck, which considered both the evolution of species and the harmony of all parts in a whole, as well as creative leaps, were forgotten amidst this dichotomy. (5:46) In later years, Huxley mentored the young H.G. Wells along with an entire generation of new imperial practitioners of social engineering and Social Darwinism. (6:00) This social engineering soon took the form of Galton's Eugenics, which quickly became an accepted science practiced throughout the Western world.

(6:11) Wells himself was the son of a humble gardener, but like Huxley, he displayed a strong misanthropic wit, passion, and creativity that was lacking in the upper echelons of the nobility, which allowed him in the 1890s (6:26) to be elevated from the lower social classes to the ranks of the oligarchic leadership. (6:33) The oligarchic order, which had grown overconfident during more than 200 years of hegemony, was terrified to see the nations of the earth rapidly freeing themselves from it thanks to the international spread of the American System of Lincoln in Germany, Russia, Japan, South America, France, Canada, and even in China thanks to the republican revolution of Sun Yat-sen in 1911.

(7:00) As Cynthia Chung writes in the book How Russia Saved the USA, the oligarchy no longer had sufficient creative vitality and sophistication to quell these revolutionary flames. (7:11) Wells described this problem as follows: "The undeniable shrinkage of British perspectives in the decade opening the new century greatly moved me. (7:22) The gradual belief in the possibility of England's world leadership was weakened by the economic development of America and the warlike boldness of Germany.

(7:30) The long reign of Queen Victoria, so rich, progressive, and effortless, had produced habits of political indolence and cheap self-confidence. (7:40) As a nation, we were out of practice, and when new rivals appeared, the challenge took our breath away. (7:48) We didn't know how to meet it."

(7:51) End quote. The science of population control developed by Huxley, Galton, Wells, Mackinder, Milner, and Bertrand Russell formed the basis of a new scientific priesthood and world government that would put an end to the astonishing imbalance unleashed by the electrical spread of sovereign nation-states, protectionism, and commitment to scientific and technological progress. (8:21) H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, and other early social engineers of this new priesthood organized themselves into several interconnected think tanks known as 1. (8:36) The Fabian Society, which operated through the London School of Economics 2.

(8:44) The Round Table movement, initiated by the fortune left to posterity by diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes, which also gave rise to the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarship programs established to indoctrinate young talent in the halls of Oxford 3. (9:03) Or London. As noted by Georgetown Professor of History of Civilization and International Relations, whose book I have already quoted in the film on the genesis of globalism, Carroll Quigley, in his 1981 book The Anglo-American Establishment, stated that membership in all three organizations I just mentioned was virtually interchangeable. (9:28) Wells described the rise of these original think tanks and documented the inability of the inner elite to meet the challenges of the times, saying, "Our ruling class, protected in its advantages by universal snobbery, had wide horizons, was easy-going, and profoundly lazy.

(9:50) Our liberalism was no longer a great enterprise, it became generous indolence, but minds awoke from it." (9:59) Fearing the prospect of a US-Russia-China alliance, detailed by Fabian Society members Halford Mackinder and Lord Alfred Milner, the solution was simple - overturn the chessboard and have everyone simply kill each other. (10:21) Much has been written about British imperial efforts to orchestrate this war.

(10:30) Shortly after the outbreak of the First World War, the British government discovered that Germany had a propaganda agency, and therefore it would be wise to create something like a British War Propaganda Bureau. (10:44) It was to be headed by David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer. (10:50) On September 2, 1914, H.G. Wells, who was then 48 years old, was invited along with 12 other participants in the conference, including other well-known writers such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Rudyard Kipling, to discuss how best to promote Britain's interests during the war.

(11:14) All those present at the conference agreed to maintain the highest secrecy, and it was not until 1935 that the activities of the War Propaganda Bureau became known to the public. (11:26) It was decided that brochures and books would be written to promote the government's view of the situation. (11:35) It was through these activities that H.G. Wells was later called the grandfather of propaganda.

(11:43) After writing books for the Ministry of Propaganda, Wells also engaged in journalism under the supervision of Lord Northcliffe, owner of The Times and Daily Mail, among others, the largest circulating newspapers in the early 20th century. (11:58) Northcliffe's newspapers advocated for the creation of the post of Minister of Munitions, which David Lloyd George was the first to hold and played a key role in his appointment as Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1916. (12:12) Lord George then appointed Lord Northcliffe as Director of Propaganda.

(12:18) Thus, H.G. Wells not only participated in the work of the British War Propaganda Bureau but worked directly under the Director of Propaganda, and therefore much of his work from 1914 onwards must be considered to serve, and certainly not oppose, the interests of the British Empire. (12:39) After the devastation that killed 9 million people on all sides and ruined countless human lives, Wells, Bertrand Russell, and members of Milner's Round Table became leading proponents of world government under the League of Nations, advocating for an enlightened cosmopolitanism that would replace the era of selfish nation-states. (13:07) A decade after its founding, the League was not as successful as Wells and his fellow thinkers would have liked, as nationalists around the world saw the evil hand of the Empire lurking behind the apparent language of liberal values and world peace.

(13:22) Sun Yat-sen, among many others, was one of the anti-Wells voices, and in 1924 he warned his fellow Chinese not to fall into this trap, saying, quote, "Thanks to which humanity maintains its existence, if nationalism disappears, then when cosmopolitanism flourishes, we will not be able to survive and will be eliminated." (14:04) In response to this patriotic resistance around the world, a new strategy had to be developed. (14:11) It took the form of H.G. Wells' 1928 book The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution.

(14:28) This little-known book became the guiding plan for the next century of imperial grand strategy, calling for the creation of a new world religion and a new social order, according to Wells. (14:42) The old religions have become unconvincing, irrelevant, and insincere, and although there are clear signs of a new faith in the world, it is still waiting to be embodied in formulas and organizations that will allow it to effectively respond to human affairs as a whole. (15:00) In his book, Wells outlines the need for a new scientific Gospel to replace the Judeo-Christian beliefs of the Western world.

(15:10) This new Gospel consisted of a series of volumes he wrote with his colleague Julian Huxley. (15:18) The first of these is the Outline of History from 1920, in which Wells rewrote all of history, desiring that this analysis replace the book of Genesis. (15:31) The second is The Science of Life, written in 1930 with Julian Huxley, who was the grandson of the aforementioned Thomas Huxley, the creator of the concept of transhumanism and the UNESCO organization, who continued the family tradition along with his famous brother, the writer Aldous Huxley.

(15:54) The third item is the work, The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind from 1932. (16:01) Part of this vast project of creating a new, common, coherent, and synthetic religion that would reorganize humanity involved repackaging Darwinism, which was losing favor with many scientists in the 1920s. (16:16) They recognized that it did not account for obvious features of nature, such as the directionality of evolution, spirit, intention, ideas, and design.

(16:26) This repackaging took the form of a new evolutionary synthesis that attempted to salvage Darwin's theory and its eugenic consequences by using the Omega Point doctrine of the Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. (16:44) De Chardin's system synthesized the basic assumptions of Darwinism with a recognition of the directionality of evolution, the possibility of the existence of spirit, and the existence of mind as forces of nature. (16:55) The trio of de Chardin, Huxley, and Wells and their remixed theory of evolution kept Darwin's laws relevant and ensured the compatibility of science with imperial ways of organizing society.

(17:11) Presenting the goals of the open conspiracy, Wells writes: "First, the completely temporary nature of all existing governments and, consequently, the completely temporary nature of all loyalties associated with them. (17:25) Second, the enormous importance of population control in human biology and the opportunity it gives us to free ourselves from the oppression of the struggle for existence. (17:33) Third, the urgent need for protective resistance against the current traditional drift toward war."

(17:40) In 1933, the planned bankers' dictatorship to solve the problem of the four-year Great Depression, organized during the months-long London Conference, was on the verge of sabotage. (17:54) Wells then published a new manifesto in the form of a fictional book titled The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution. (18:07) This book, soon filmed in Hollywood, served as an early tool of mass predictive programming, depicting a world destroyed by decades of global war, pandemics, and anarchy, all caused by sovereign nation-states. (18:26) The solution to these dark ages took the form of an association of social engineers who descended from airplanes. (18:33) The benevolent dictatorship of the air, as Wells called it, was to restore order under the global authority of a world government. (18:43) This is the content of this book and film.

(18:46) Wells had his main character, a social psychologist, state that while the World Council was fighting for and implementing the United States of the World, educational control was transforming humanity. (19:02) Social psychologists ruling the world and the world government were becoming all literature, all philosophy, and the general thought of the world, the reasonable soul in the body of the race. (19:15) The biggest problem to overcome, Wells stated, was the variability of mental resistance to the direction and limitations set by nature to the ideal of a past cooperative world.

(19:28) Wells' character, Gustav de Windt, was consumed by his gigantic plans for world organization and treated the spirit of opposition as pure evil, as a vice to be avoided, as a nuisance in the machinery to be minimized as much as possible. (19:46) In 1932, Wells gave an Oxford speech in which he advocated for a world order run by liberal fascists, saying, "I ask for liberal fascists, for enlightened Nazis." (20:01) This was not paradoxical if we realize that the rise of fascism was never a nationalist phenomenon, as popular history textbooks have claimed for decades, but rather an artificial consequence of the top-down actions of supranational financiers and oligarchs who wanted to use enforcers to bend societies to a higher will.

(20:25) By the outbreak of World War II, Wells' ideas had developed new, insidious elements that later gave rise to mechanisms such as Wikipedia and Twitter. (20:37) In the form of the 1937 book The World Brain, Wells called for the reduction of the English language to so-called (20:48) Basic English, consisting of 850 acceptable words that would form a world language.

(20:57) In this book, Wells states, (21:00) "The far-sighted thinkers whose ideas we are now considering are beginning to realize that the most promising line of development of our racial intelligence lies rather in the direction of creating a new world organ for collecting, indexing, summarizing, and making knowledge available, (21:18) than in the direction of further tinkering with the highly conservative and resistant university system, local, national, and traditional, that already exists."

(21:29) "These innovators, who today may be dreamers but tomorrow hope to become very active organizers, envision the creation of a unified, if not centralized, world body that would connect the minds of the entire world." (21:45) In 1940, Wells wrote the book The New World Order, in which he again reinforced his message. (21:57) In writing it, he coordinated his efforts with many Fabian socialists and Rhodes scholars who had infiltrated Western foreign policy institutions to shape the wartime and, most importantly, post-war global structure.

(22:11) Wells insists that the new era of brotherhood that must guide the new organization of the United Nations cannot tolerate sovereign nation-states but must rather be led by his caste of social engineers pulling the levers of production and consumption within a system of mass collectivization. (22:33) Speaking of, quote from this book, "If Wells' concepts are similar to those recently made public under the World Economic Forum's Great Reset, it should come as no surprise. (23:14) After Wells' death in 1946, other Fabian socialists and social engineers continued his work during the Cold War.

(23:24) One of the leading figures was Wells' collaborator Lord Bertrand Russell, whom I quote many times in my recordings. (23:33) In his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society, he wrote, and now I will quote, "I think the subject that will be of most political importance is mass psychology. (23:48) Its importance has increased enormously with the development of modern methods of propaganda.

(23:53) The most influential of these is what is called education. (23:57) Religion plays a role, though a diminishing one. (24:00) The press, cinema, and radio play an increasing role.

(24:04) It is to be hoped that in time anyone will be able to persuade anyone of anything. (24:09) If only he can catch the young patient and the state provides him with the money and equipment. (24:20) This subject will make great strides when taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship."

(24:27) The social psychologists of the future will have at their disposal several classes of schoolchildren on whom they will try out different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black. (24:40) They will soon obtain various results. (24:42) First, that the influence of home is obstructive.

(24:45) Second, that little can be done if indoctrination does not begin before the age of ten. (24:52) Third, verses set to music and repeatedly chanted are very effective. (24:57) Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be evidence of a morbid liking for eccentricity. But he predicts that the task of future scientists will be to refine these maxims and discover exactly how much it costs per head to persuade children that snow is black and how much less it costs to persuade them that it is dark gray.

(25:21) Although the bodies of Wells, Russell, and Huxley have long since rotted, their rotten ideas still animate their students, such as Sir Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, or Lord Malloch Brown, whose disturbing celebration of the coronavirus as a golden opportunity for the final restructuring of civilization should worry every thinking citizen. (25:49) The idea of a great reset proclaimed by these modern proponents of bad ideas in history signals nothing less than a new era of darkness that should make any moral being sick to their stomach. (26:05) It is worth recalling the words of Kissinger, who evoked the specter of Wells when he said to a group of technocrats in Evian, France, in 1992, "Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order.

(26:24) Tomorrow they will be grateful, especially if they are told that there is an external threat, real or invented, that threatens our existence. (26:34) It is then that all the peoples of the world will beg for deliverance from this evil. (26:39) The only thing every man fears is the unknown.

(26:44) Faced with such a scenario, every man will willingly give up his rights for a world government to guarantee his well-being."

(26:53) This is the end of the introduction. (26:56) In the next recording, I will present to you a summary of the book entitled The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints fora World Revolution, in which H.G. Wells left detailed instructions on how to take over the world and introduce the so-called (27:14) scientific dictatorship.


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