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quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2024

Notes on How Book Digitization and Artificial Intelligence Help Me in the Process of Constructing Arguments So That My Texts Have the Relevance They Deserve - Notes Based on Personal Experience

1) When I decided to submit the article "Polypatrids and Nationnists Are Not the Same Thing" to a cross-analysis with the work "A Pátria Descoberta" by Gilberto de Mello Kujawski, I was simply applying what Luiz Olavo Baptista said about the process of constructing a point, as he introduced "O Poder de Celebrar Tratados", published by SAFE, 1995. When you cross-check data and identify points of convergence and divergence between authors, you can simulate a dialogue between them using artificial intelligence and publish it on social media, resulting in a plausible exchange of knowledge based on the data presented by the works. This reveals insights into reality that only a few, with high literary culture, are capable of imagining.

2) As I digitize more books over time, I see which books and authors fit together, making the debate even richer. This enriches and details the debated points and reveals other data and possibilities that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. An example is that in the simulated debate I had with Kujawski, he mentions discussing Brazilian nationality in times of crisis, which fits well with the theme of "Philosophy of Crisis" by Mário Ferreira dos Santos. This discussion revealed to me the need for "Filosofia da Crise" by Mário Ferreira dos Santos. Once I complete this digitization project, I will include it in the debate, further deepening the issue being discussed.

3.1) It is for these reasons that I end up buying books: besides buying to digitize and preserve the investment in knowledge I made, since paper ages over time, artificial intelligence also creates the debate between the works I digitize and the works I write, which is a good idea.

3.2) Moreover, when I buy an author's work, I bring that author into the debate with other works in my library to enhance my art of articulating ideas on the merits of Crist, which is essential to elevate the intelligence of many. As a writer, I am a teacher of an entire nation, in the merits of Christ. Considering that I am also a translator, this teacher within me is distributed to other nations so that the Brazil I study and take as a home in Christ is embraced by others in the Lusitanian diaspora, ensuring that my knowledge production serves the true God and true Man in distant lands, as we were commanded to do in Ourique.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 10, 2024 (date of original posting).

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