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quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2024

The Procedure I Adopt When Writing an Article in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

1) Since the advent of artificial intelligence, I now adopt the following procedure: I write down my ideas, as I have always done, and then request a summary or even a detailed analysis, depending on the complexity of the subject.

2) If I feel that the subject has a good dialogue with a book I have digitized, I cross-reference this information with artificial intelligence to see the points of convergence and divergence between the ideas in the works. Based on this data, I establish an imaginary dialogue between myself and the authors who served as the basis for writing that text. This produces a lively dialogue that reveals an indispensable piece of knowledge, if one has the audacity to imagine it, which many are not capable of doing due to a lack of literary culture.

3) It is no coincidence that Professor Olavo de Carvalho recommends that we read many literary works to educate our imagination—without it, we cannot reveal certain knowledge that is not so obvious to us. In a time when there was no artificial intelligence, this was paramount, as it guaranteed the survival of civilization in a time of civilizational homeostasis, where everything loses its due sense in the face of the obstinate conservatism of our times. With the advent of this tool and the personal culture of digitization that I have, I can now have this data more easily, to reverse this odious process.

4) A well-formed mind does not work solely with the empire of quantity, as it alone is an empire of death, leading to the concupiscence of the soul. This relates to the tyranny founded on self-love to the disdain of God, due to the obstinate process of conserving what is convenient and dissociated from the truth. This empire of death must be moderated by the animic organ of intelligence to the point of becoming a living kingdom founded on quality. This Kingdom, pointing to the Kingdom of Heaven, can transform this previously dead empire into an empire of culture, as Christ is the builder and destroyer of empires. This universe of data science is no exception, as it passes through the science of the Cross, described by Saint John of the Cross.

5) Finally, I believe I have found the four pillars upon which the intellectual activity of the 21st century stands: literary activity, book digitization, artificial intelligence, and translation into multiple languages. This is the secret to producing a notable cultural work, in Christ's merits.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 10, 2024 (date of original posting).

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