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terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2024

Is it possible to dream and have life ideals in Brazil?

1) From my experience in Brazil— due to the instability of life here, caused by the political instability of the Republic — you cannot plan your life with security. You don't even have the right to have life ideals because ideals are the synthesis of long periods of prosperous and good life, something we only had during the reign of D. Pedro II — since the monarchy fell, we have never had peace again.

2.1) I was born in 1981, almost a hundred years after the fall of the monarchy. I lived through the hyperinflation crises that marked the Sarney and Collor governments, during which our currency was changed several times in a very short period. Only in 1994, with the advent of the Real Plan, did we achieve monetary stability, but not the longed-for political stability and consequent legal stability, as we have a serious problem of judicial activism in the Supreme Federal Court (STF), as well as in other higher courts worldwide.

2.2) Although we achieved monetary stability, the threats still persist and are far from ceasing: taxes are heavy, and the system is suffocating and perverse—since the State is separated from the teachings of the Holy Mother Catholic Church under the false claim that the State is secular, the principle that known truth is obeyed truth does not apply here. The principle that friendship is the basis of political society does not apply, nor does the principle that authority, vested in Christ, should perfect the freedom of many based on the principle of protecting the trust of those who love and reject the same things with Christ as the foundation. Truth is the foundation of freedom, as Saint John Paul II always taught us. Here, the government of the people, by the people, and for the people is always constituted by that small fraction of animals who lie and live by lies and the illegitimacy of this regime to get ahead in life since they are nothing more than an idle class— they have never produced anything good for the people but want to live off the best the people produce.

2.3) This explains, in my humble understanding, the culture of pretense that Professor Olavo always criticizes, as the sense of maintaining what is convenient and dissociated from the truth is always a cancer—a social cancer and a cancer for the soul of those who practice it. This kills the sense for which this country was founded, as it kills the sense of conformity with the All that comes from God in this land, essential to take this country as a home in Christ, through Christ, and for Christ so that we can lead as many people as possible to the ultimate homeland, which is in Heaven.

3.1) When a girl on Amal Date asks me what my life ideal is, the answer is quite simple: to survive this cursed republic that reigns in Brazil and see the monarchy restored, along with everything established in Ourique, because of this nefarious act of unpatriotic behavior committed in 1822, wrongly called independence. What was established in the Miracle of Ourique is my true life ideal, as it is civilizational because it is true—I cannot live it to its fullest because Freemasonry destroyed it, and it needs to be restored in all its essence.

3.2.1) For this reason, fighting these people, this nefarious regime they created, which favors communism, and the communists, is a matter of charity. They are all enemies of God—therefore, my personal enemies; if they were mere political adversaries, I could negotiate with them, but with these people, it is impossible to negotiate, as they destroy everything sacred.

3.2.2) It is no wonder I despise this false right that emerged from 2013—they see communists as adversaries and have no intention of fighting this culture that favors the proliferation of these cursed bacteria because they also want to benefit from the public treasury since they are driven by personal ambition, the same stupidity that founded this cursed republic. Like the centrão, which has no political ideology, the purpose is to make politics a big business counter, not to serve the common good—it is no wonder I call them "conservantists," "right-wing leftists," or even "green and yellow left." These people, due to their hypocrisy and atrocious pretense, will ruin everything.

3.2.3) In my judgment, this seems a much worse scissors effect than the one between the PT and the PSDB during the false polarization that began in the 1990s and lasted until the 2014 elections when Dilma was re-elected. The only reason this is not an explicit reality is that the assassination attempt on Bolsonaro failed, and this is still latent, as it has not yet moved from commitment to practice.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, August 19, 2023 (date of original posting).

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