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segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2024

Impressions of Paulo Henrique Cremoneze on the Scandinavian Legal System

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Facade of the building of the Danish Supreme Court in Copenhagen

On the facade, the inscription: “With Law, a country is built”.

The Nordics, like the ancient Greeks, consider Law and Justice to be univocal concepts. I am quite pleased with this because the purpose of the former is to promote justice, the foundation of social stability.

Today, I have my respectful reservations about their judicial system - because it has been affected, like others, by the hammer of materialistic ideologies - but I do not deny my devoted historical admiration.

The system is still quite effective and enjoys extremely high social respectability. I hope it remains so. Judges and lawyers perform their functions with discretion and great seriousness.

I hope Denmark preserves its Justice according to the values openly present in its flag and does not turn its back on its past.

The Law builds a country when it strives to meet the demands of the new times without neglecting traditions.

I intend to converse more with colleagues here, professional correspondents, about the foundations of the local legal system and the practice of law.

Knowing other legal and judicial systems is important for better performance in one’s own country. Almost everything in life happens through comparisons and the balance between asymmetries and symmetries.

Paulo Henrique Cremoneze

LinkedIn, July 1, 2024 (date of original posting).

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