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terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2024

Aphorism about aristocracy and oligarchy

1) I don't hide anything – I just don't cast pearls before swine, in the sense of sharing what I know with those who are truly unworthy.

2) From my experience, those who truly clothe themselves in Christ to the point of loving and rejecting the same things as the True God and True Man loved and rejected are indeed few. And only these few, who are capable of seeing the Christ who makes His Holy Dwelling in me through the Holy Eucharist, are worthy of hearing what I have to say. 

3) My audience, as Bastiat says, is what the being that maintains what is convenient, even if dissociated from the truth, does not want to see: they are the angels, the saints, and God itself. It is from these that I want applause, through the merits of Christ; from the world, I naturally expect boos.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 8th, 2024 (date of original posting).

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