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segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2024

When companies pay a higher cashback - notes on the importance of putting together an international promotions calendar in order to know when companies promote their products and, with them, the good values ​​in their countries

1) Once you have created an international promotions calendar, you can keep an eye on when foreign stores offer promotions in Brazil - and they usually come with maximized cashback, as I have been observing at Méliuz.

2) A good example of this is Samsung - January 27th is usually flag day in South Korea and, to celebrate the date, they usually offer discounts on their products and 20% cashback to all their customers on Brazil that buy through Méliuz. In this way, through trade, they promote Korea and the culture of its people to the point of creating a culture of integration between the two peoples. In this sense, transnational companies can become a safe haven to promote both a commercial and cultural policy that benefits both countries to the point of assuming an important role as a diplomatic channel both in bilateral diplomacy and in intercultural dilomacy, as the authority who represents those who undertake responsibly serves freedom for all, to the point that new buyers take the country supplying quality goods as a second home in Christ, due to the excellence with which this service is provided.

3) Another example is Lenovo - January 25, 2024 was marked by the spring festival, which usually marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year. To celebrate the date, they offered 10% cashback to their customers who purchase their products through Méliuz, double the usual 5% cashback.

4) Other companies, which claim to be the everything store, usually take advantage of local holidays in order to offer promotions valid for the entire country. An example of what I'm talking about is Brazilian Amazon - on January 25th, the anniversary of the city of São Paulo, it offered 10% cashback at Méliuz

5) I am following the Méliuz promotions panel every single day - if a foreign company is giving a very high cashback, it is likely to be to celebrate a very important national date in their country of origin, as the price mechanism betrays this.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, January 27th, 2024 (date of original post).

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