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domingo, 16 de junho de 2024

Politics is organized charity - in this sense, the world will be saved by the charitable and by those who act efficiently in such a way as to help the needy Christs in what they need most.

1.1) Saint Thomas Aquinas said that politics is organized charity, as we see God (Bóg) acting in a community of the destitute (ubogis) in such a way as to draw lots for some princes (bogatys).

1.2) The purpose of these princes is to serve the destitute in the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, since Christ has two natures: that of a beggar, being a bank of God, and that of a prince, who receives and administers God's talents in such a way as to multiply those talents even more and enhance the freedom of many, so that the lives of the destitute in this vale of tears are less burdensome, since Christ on the cross has already paid for their sins.

1.3) Since the authority of the bogaty derives from the favors of the bank of God, he is always in the position of a debtor to that bank - this is the foundation of political legitimacy, where the base finances the pyramid through taxes that are given to that authority who has clothed themselves in Christ in order to be the way, the truth, and the reason for the lives of many. Thus, this community where they are located ends up being taken as a home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ, to the point that politics is the continuation of the Trinity throughout the generations, to the point of having a recursive nature.

2.1) In the government of the common good, public order is distinguished by the provision of the following services: security and justice. These goods, subsidized in the merits of Christ, organize the private order regarding the provision of goods and services for the common good for profit (market), to the point of creating a legal, civil, labor, tax, criminal, consumer, and environmental order.

2.2) To better create an integration between the state and the market, the third sector (civil society) emerges, where we see associations, guilds, schools, the parish community - they act as intermediary bodies to generate a more effective and efficient response to those needy Christs for a minimum of social assistance, especially in times of humanitarian disasters or catastrophes, in those areas where the market and the state are extremely deficient. From an institutional point of view, the Trinity is completed with these three sectors.

3.1) Roberto Campos said that the world would not be saved by the charitable, but by the efficient. Considering that politics is organized charity, then efficiency is a powerful ally to charity, never something diametrically opposed to it. The greatest proof of what I say was the humanitarian tragedy that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul, with the floods of the Guíaba, in May 2024 - the example of the volunteers made me see that Saint Thomas was right and that Roberto Campos was wrong.

3.2) Only in a scenario where God has been removed from the center of the state and politics is there a whole environment for sowing moral relativism - it is in this scenario, where God is declared dead by conservatism, that there is a whole environment for the promotion of "pilantropy", or the philanthropy of crooks, as we see in this misgovernment of Lula 3.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, May 17, 2024 (date of original posting).

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