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quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2024

Detailed analysis of the book "O Societarismo", by Oscar Dias Corrêa

The book "Societarismo" by Oscar Dias Corrêa (1994) addresses the search for a new political-economic system that transcends the traditional dichotomies between capitalism and socialism. The author revisits his roots in the study of political economy and critiques both capitalism and socialism, seeking a system that harmonizes elements of both.

Overview of the Work:

Corrêa begins his work by reviewing his studies in political economy, which were abandoned for a time and resumed in 1949. He expresses the need for a new system that goes beyond capitalism and socialism, which he considers flawed in their pure forms. The author argues that capitalism, despite its efficiency in generating wealth, causes social inequalities and injustices. Socialism, on the other hand, while promoting equality, often fails to generate economic prosperity.

Societarismo: A New Proposal:

The author proposes "societarismo" as a new system that aims to combine the strengths of both capitalism and socialism while avoiding their defects. He argues that societarismo can achieve social justice and economic efficiency through the participation of workers in the management of companies and the distribution of profits, combined with economic freedom and private property.

Other Key Ideas:

  • Market Economy: Corrêa advocates for a market economy as the most efficient system for allocating resources but emphasizes the need for regulation to avoid abuses and ensure social justice.
  • Role of the State: The State should play an active role in the economy, promoting social welfare and regulating the market to ensure fair competition and avoid the concentration of economic power.
  • Worker Participation: The participation of workers in the management of companies and the distribution of profits is fundamental to ensuring social justice and harmony in labor relations.


In "O Societarismo," Oscar Dias Corrêa presents a critique of both capitalism and socialism, proposing a new system that seeks to combine the benefits of both. The author advocates for a market economy with state regulation, worker participation in the management of companies, and the pursuit of social justice as the pillars of societarismo. The work is a relevant contribution to the debate on political-economic systems and offers an alternative perspective to overcome traditional dichotomies.

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