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quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2024

On the process of sanctification through the work of a miner as a cause of nationness

Miners extracting silver at Cerro de Potosí in the Spanish Golden Century

1) In a logic class, if I were to say that every miner is Argentine, most people would say this statement is false.

2) However, if I show my students that the silver from Cerro de Potosí served as the basis for the Spanish dollar, a currency that was crucial for economic globalization in the 15th and 16th centuries and led Spain to its peak of cultural and civilizational splendor, known as the Spanish Golden Age, then the statement becomes true. During this time, Potosí, along with all of Bolivia, was part of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, the same viceroyalty to which Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay (then Colonia del Sacramento, ceded to Spain in exchange for the Seven Missions) belonged. In this sense, those who sanctified themselves through mining work were always remembered for the wealth they extracted, silver, to the point where their country became known for its greatest wealth: Argentina.

3) Similarly, those who sanctified themselves through mining work in the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) ended up creating a school that taught many to see the country as a home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ through the province, contributing to the political and civilizational culture of the country: the School of Minas Gerais. If a Brazilian is one who sanctifies himself through the work of extracting Brazilwood, then he also learns to see each province that constitutes this land as a home in Christ, to the extent that he also sanctifies himself through the work of extracting wealth from the mountains in Minas Gerais, as well as the mountains of problems that exist in our modern life.

4) If every profession leads to a sense of seeing the country as a home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ, the basis of this lies in the province as a school of nationness, creating a microcosm in the country's civilizational environment and generating diversity in unity, without the risk of conflict due to political conservantism through revolutionary mentality or religious heresy.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, June 10th, 2024 (date of original post).


nationness: sense of taking the country as a home in Christ, by Christ and for Christ - it is distinguished from nationality in the process of taking the country as if it were religion, in which everything is in the State and nothing can be outside it or against it him, like what the left does. The concept of nationality does not invalidate the legal concept of nationality as the link between you and the vassal of Christ who governs the earth in which you were born as the father of the country in the merits of Christ. This concept of nationality arises from the relationship between the King of Portugal and the Crucified One of Ourique, who is Our Lord Jesus Christ, due to the miracle of Ourique: as long as the monarch serves the purpose of serving Christ in distant lands, he propagates the Christian faith., he is lord of lords, but he is in this condition being the servant of servants in Christ, to the point of being a good example for everyone.

conservantism: the process of preserving what is convenient and dissociated from the truth - this is directly opposed to the process of preserving the pain of Christ, or coservatism. Conservantism and foolishness are synonymous to the point of being madness - Chesterton said that a madman is someone who has lost everything, except the reason to preserve what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, to the point of building freedom with empty purposes, which is liberalism. It is no surprise that liberalism, as an ideology, paves the way for a more revolutionary mentality, as this sense of preserving what is convenient and dissociated from the truth progresses over time without moderation, just like Chronos's gluttony or greed of a capitalist, to the point of leading to progressivism.

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