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segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2024

How Charity Cooled in England: Notes on the English Poor Laws

Practical example of English Poor laws under Elizabeth I
1) On one occasion, I was watching Ítalo Lorenzon's YouTube channel, Ligando os Pontos. He made the following criticism of the Welfare State: it kills charity. If the destitute have a right to demand from the State to have their plight remedied, they will feel more ungrateful and disconnected from the community on which they depend. At this point, they cease to be an "ubogi" and become a "biedny," living according to the dictates of matter, at the mercy of the present day. In this sense, they become more of a soldier of the revolution, in the Germanic sense of the term, as they have nothing to lose except the reason to preserve what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, to the point of becoming mad.

2.1) The Welfare State, social assistance, began with the English Poor Laws. As this cooled charity, it emptied the sense of conformity with the All that comes from God to the point that this not only strengthened the authority of the King as head of the Church, in the time of the Tudors, but also weakened Catholic authority in England, as the tyrannical State, taken as if it were a religion, grew in power so quickly. It is no wonder that rock bands from England criticize the regime so much to the point of associating it with fascism - and in this regard, they are right.

2.2.1) As heresies dominated the social scene, Freemasonry found fertile ground to prosper to the point that they instilled progressive ideas into medieval guilds, generating an industrialist mentality. With the industrialist mentality came the hygienist mentality, from which arose the idea of treating the poor as incapable, to the point of being interned in an asylum or sanatorium.

2.2.2) This brutal process of social transformation became particularly stronger during the times of the Puritan Revolution, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution. The poor were seen as "biedny," condemned, while those who had wealth, the captains of industry, were seen as predestined to salvation. This revolutionary experiment was so successful and marketed as a virtuous process that it was exported worldwide through a true marketing coup. In Brazil, during the Old Republic, the hygienist practices of Oswaldo Cruz were very significant and traumatic for the society of the time, especially during Pereira Passos' "bota-abaixo" that modernized the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as during the so-called Vaccine Revolt.

3.1) Since the pandemic, we are seeing the re-edition of the totalitarian State in our times, the so-called Welfare State. To prevent the State from making undue interference in others' rights, we need to take care of each other, as we need to care for our neighbor as we care for ourselves through the merits of Christ, since there will always be poor (ubogis) among us, in the sense of needy Christs - and they need Christ-princes (bogatys) to support them, being the bank of God. The greatest proof of this is the Humanitarian Crisis in Rio Grande do Sul - people from all over Brazil mobilized to help the people of Rio Grande do Sul before the totalitarian State took over everything, leaving everything in the hands of the State and nothing against it or outside of it.

3.2) The true war against this totalitarian government is that we will not allow them to kill our freedoms, our sense of taking the country as a home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ - without Him, nothing makes sense. He is the reason for our civilization's existence.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, May 22, 2024 (date of original posting).

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