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quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2024

The role of artificial intelligence in intellectual activity - the case of intellectual charity

1) When a writer creates something of excellent quality, they have spent much time in a state of contemplation to express the truth they need to convey about the merits of the true God and true Man. Once they make this upward movement (anabasis), it is no longer possible to reverse it, as perfecting the created point leads to a new ascent, founded in God. It is through successive anabases that moral capitalization is promoted, without which the spirit does not enrich itself enough to create a civilizational legacy, founded in Christ.

2) With the advent of artificial intelligence, the task of summarizing, which is a servile and ancillary task in relation to the main creative activity, is entrusted to this new tool, allowing the content to move downward (catabasis) to reach people who do not have the same level of understanding or comprehension achieved by the author of the text.

3) What was once a burdensome task, because these functions were in the hands of the same person who creates - causing them to lose valuable time that could be invested in new research and contemplations always in search of truth - can now be delegated to a specialized tool that performs summaries according to the client's specifications, in this case, the writer.

4) In this sense, the efficiency of artificial intelligence in summarizing ensures the downward movement that the content needs to make in order to instruct others in need of Christ, thereby ensuring intellectual charity, since truth is the foundation of freedom.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, June 11th, 2024 (date of original post).

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