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quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2024

Lula Government to Tax PIX Transactions Starting This June

1) Starting in June, the Lula government announced that it will tax PIX transactions.

2) All I have to do is leave the money where it is and wait for Bolsonaro, or someone associated with him, to take the presidency - this obstacle will be removed and I can then move the money with the freedom I have always had, without having to pay taxes to a state taken as if it were a religion, which does nothing good and still prevents anyone from doing something good for their fellow man, as happened recently in Rio Grande do Sul due to the floods.

3) It is only a matter of time before this misgovernment falls - it has already caused a lot of harm to many people, including me, with this absurd measure it just took. The people are already mobilized and will not allow the PT to intentionally bankrupt the Brazilian economy in order to later offer a solution based on more state control - this is pure political fraud and the 20th century has a rich history of such examples, ranging from the Soviet Union, through Cuba, and all of Eastern Europe. These empires of domination perish on their own, given their obstinacy in preserving what is convenient and detached from the truth - and this is tremendous stupidity.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, June 11th, 2024 (date of original posting).

Additional Comments for Non-Portuguese Speakers:

PIX: An instant digital payment order created by the Central Bank of Brazil during Michel Temer's government and implemented by Bolsonaro's government to free people from the slavery of bank fees, money that was used to finance parties like the PT. Since PIX was not taxed, it generated unprecedented financial freedom in Brazil, to the point where digital banks (or fintechs) emerged to compete with traditional banks, thus breaking banking concentration and improving the quality of services offered. When the system "acquitted" Lula through a jurisdictional technicality that should not have been addressed by the Supreme Court, and orchestrated an electoral scheme so that he won the 2022 elections, all the financial gains we had during Bolsonaro's time in office were nullified.

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