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terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2024

What do I do to ensure accuracy and reliability in my research, given that I am navigating a vast ocean of data and information, which can lead me to infinite possibilities?

1) The secret lies in associating with trustworthy people, to the point of rescuing in this digital world the classical idea of an initiatory society. Aristotle once said that friendship is the foundation of political society. If a friend is one who loves and rejects the same things, based on the true God and true Man, who is Our Lord Jesus Christ, then those who share the same values as Christ believe that truth is the foundation of freedom, to the point where civilizational development, grounded in economic and social progress, is an expression of that freedom, well served by the merits of Christ.

2) If the knowledge is produced by a source whose background denies these known truths, which must be observed, or has a life history that is unknown to me, I simply do not follow this source, even if the person occasionally says something relevant that deserves to be shared or commented on. This is because what they say is merely incidental and not essential for knowing the truth. The only utility such a dubious source can offer is that you can accumulate data to craft a story about your experience in dealing with beings who lie and only preserve what is convenient and detached from the truth. All knowledge founded on preserving what is convenient and disconnected from the truth is knowledge devoid of wisdom, given the revolutionary nature of such animalistic intentions, as the things they create lie in wickedness, aiming to dominate everything and everyone with absolute power.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, August 20, 2024 (date of original post).

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