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sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024

Socialism in Cuba Leads to Extreme Poverty for 89% of the Population

(0:00) Good morning, welcome to the channel for another video. (0:05) Today is Thursday, July 18th, 2024, and the topic we will discuss today is the resounding failure, (0:13) the terrible disaster of what socialism is in Cuba. In Cuba, like everywhere else, but especially in Cuba, according to a report from the Cuban Human Rights Observatory, (0:29) more than 80% of Cuba's population is in a catastrophic situation. (0:40) But before we get into the topic, I’d like to make the usual requests for those who aren’t subscribed to the channel: please subscribe, (0:47) give this video a like, and share it with your friends, acquaintances, and family, in WhatsApp (0:59) or Telegram groups, post it on social media, and for those who would like to support the channel, (1:04) you can do so through Pix, which is right here below.

(1:09) I would like to thank everyone who has contributed so far. (1:15) As I said, there is a site called Infobae, which does very serious journalism. In a report by Gaston Calvo (1:27) on July 16th, just a short time ago, (1:35) just a few hours ago, almost, or at least two days ago, (1:42) he reports on a study from the Cuban Human Rights Observatory that shows extreme poverty in Cuba has reached an alarming 89% (1:59) of the population this year. It’s a disaster, the inevitable path of socialism to its criminal execution in other aspects as well. (2:08)

Before continuing, I’d like to remind you of some important things. (2:19) Cuba is a dictatorship with heavy repression. One of the most scandalous things in recent times was the Mais Médicos program. (2:30) This wasn’t just in Brazil but also in other countries. It’s a kind of modern slavery, where these people provided services in (2:45) other countries, and a significant portion of the money was collected by the Cuban government. It’s basically renting out people. Cuba has also sent young people to Russia to work, but when they arrive, they are captured by the Russian army and end up fighting (3:06) and often dying in Ukraine.

(3:09) We must not forget the recent unveiling of a statue of Fidel Castro by Putin, (3:16) which he praised as a great revolutionary aesthetic. (3:26) He glorified the communist revolution in Cuba, and in the past weeks, it was reported that there are Chinese military bases in (3:42) Cuba. (3:42) And this is the Cuba so favored by Lula's government, a country in a terrible situation, and we will see how Lula’s government (4:04) has worked to ensure it remains this way. (4:07) The report, titled "State of Social Rights in Cuba," also revealed widespread dissatisfaction (4:15) with the regime of Miguel Díaz-Canel, with more than 91% expressing their discontent.

(4:26) In conversations with Infobae, Yaxis Siris, the director of strategy at the Cuban Human Rights Observatory, said that in Cuba, not only are civil and political rights violated, (4:40) but also social rights. (4:42) He stated that the Cuban regime not only represses but also impoverishes. (4:48) In fact, impoverishing is a way of repressing.

(4:52) This is the seventh report on this issue, and it shows the methods they use (5:01) to collect this data. They claim the report aims to warn and denounce the growing impoverishment of Cuban families, the scarcity of food, the shortage of medicines, (5:18) and the deterioration of public services related to food. (5:23) Extreme poverty has reached 89% of the Cuban population. (5:34) The food crisis is the main social problem, affecting 72%.

(5:39) Then come electricity blackouts due to energy shortages, inflation, and the high cost of living. (5:49) Following that are issues related to wages, public health, and corruption. (5:55) Nine out of ten Cubans say they have skipped breakfast, lunch, or dinner due to lack of money (6:07) or food shortages.

(6:09) Only 15% have been able to eat three meals without interruption. (6:15) People are skipping meals because of food shortages (6:22) and poverty. (6:26) Thirty-three percent of the population couldn’t acquire the medications they needed due to high prices or (6:34) the scarcity of medicine, which can only be obtained from state-run pharmacies (6:43) because Cuba’s health system is completely state-controlled.

(6:50) 89% of those surveyed have a negative view of Cuba's public health system. (6:58) My friends, if you listen to any defender of Cuba, they'll say it’s one of the best health systems in the world. (7:04) And there are some supporters of the Workers' Party (PT) here in Brazil who say that, and other leftists who do the same.

(7:10) But look at what Cubans themselves think about what they are experiencing in Cuba. (7:17) The results are important, says Siris, because this way we know the true reality the Cuban people are living, and we aren't swayed by the regime’s propaganda, (7:25) which for many years sold the idea throughout Latin America that Cuba is a model of social rights. (7:36) This is the image of a socialist regime according to the doctrines of those who are now in power in Brazil.

(7:51) Well, I'd like to remind you that in February of this year, 2024, the Brazilian government sent food (8:03) to Cuba, which was ultimately an effort to help sustain the Cuban dictatorship. (8:11) But now see the cynicism with which these foods were sent and the notes from Brazil's foreign ministry. (8:19) The Lula government announced, according to Crusoé magazine, that it delivered (8:25) a shipment of 125 tons of powdered milk produced in Brazil, with additional shipments of powdered milk, rice, corn, and soy to follow, as stated in a note from the foreign ministry back in February.

(8:42) Now look at the reason they claim to be sending this food: it’s to promote food and nutritional security in Latin America by providing resources for the production, distribution, and support of healthy and sustainable food systems. (9:00) This is a lie from start to finish. (9:05) The Workers' Party government admits there is hunger in Cuba while praising the wonders of the communist model, as the article says.

(9:14) And it's important to note, as they do here, that Cuba is not at war. (9:21) It’s also worth recalling that in July 2021, the Cuban people took to the streets en masse to protest (9:30) and demand an end to the dictatorship. The regime increased repression and imprisoned nearly 2,000 people, including minors. (9:41) This is the regime that is supported and praised by today's leaders in Brazil.

(9:49) The goal of the Lula government is to appease the Cuban people's dissatisfaction to prevent (9:57) new protests and a possible regime change. (10:04) According to historian Boris González Arenas, who lives in Havana, the United States (10:11) sends a lot of food to Cuba, which is then distributed to the population (10:16) through ration cards. (10:19) In other words, there is a loyalty system to the regime in the form of ration cards that allow people to obtain food.

(10:28) Historian González continues, stating that Lula’s government, since previous terms, has strengthened ties with Castroism. (10:35) Brazil sent hundreds of millions of dollars for the renovation of the Port of Mariel through (10:42) BNDES. (10:43) Everyone remembers that, and everyone remembers the default on the debt by Cuba.

(10:49) Now, sending food is also a way of supporting the dictatorship. (10:54) In any case, the regime is already in total collapse, says this Cuban historian. (11:02) So, I wanted to bring these terrible statistics on hunger in Cuba and the dreadful collapse of the socialist regime there, to show the fruits socialism brings to the nations where it is implemented, often by force.

(11:23) I'll stop here. I ask everyone who can to like this video, share it, and, if possible, make a contribution to the channel via the Pix link below. See you in the next video tomorrow.

José Carlos Sepúlveda

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