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domingo, 29 de outubro de 2023

Notes on translation, nationness and connectivity - lessons from my personal experience on social networks

1) Due to the different social networks where I worked, I created connections with different people from Brazil, Spanish-speaking countries, Poland and the USA. For this reason, whenever I write an article, I translate my text into that person's language to the point of creating a connection with them, since getting to know a person is a true philosophical process, founded on divine love.

2) On my blog I also save the best posts from my peers, as well as translating them for my contacts in their different languages. One of Rodrigo Gurgel's best posts about Stefan Zweig, I translated it into Spanish, English and Polish - which increased considerably the number of hits on my blog. This is the way I found to save this precious knowledge from oblivion and to expand the services I offer to other markets where I can meet interesting people, even if they are not native speakers of my language.

3.1) Being a translator, in addition to being a writer, was the way I found to connect with people, in order to take several countries as the same home in Christ to the point of sanctifying myself through the work of translation.

3.2) For me to do an excellent job, I need to be clothed in Christ and have a sacramental life, so that I do not keep what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, to the point of sinning against the goodness of God, which is generally attributed to the Holy Spirit, and bury the talent He gave me. I know very well the lesson that Jurandir Faria, my Portuguese teacher, gave me: that every translator, full of himself to the point of contempt for God, is a traitor, especially when he practices a conscious false conservatism to the point of being an animal that lies. I never forgot this lesson.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, October 28th, 2023 (date of original post).

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