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quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2024

Imaginary Dialogue between José Octavio Dettmann, Cardinal Avery Dulles and Thorstein Veblen

Dettmann: Dear colleagues, the digital age presents us with unique challenges and opportunities in the pursuit of truth and the construction of knowledge. Our social networks, once spaces for authentic connection, are now flooded with superficial information and passing fads. How can we, amidst this scenario, discern what is true and relevant?

Dulles: I fully agree, Dettmann. The pursuit of truth is essential for authentic freedom. In times of relativism and post-truth, we must anchor ourselves in solid principles and seek reliable sources of information. The Christian faith, as the foundation of truth, offers a secure path to freedom and responsibility.

Veblen: Allow me to add a different perspective. The pursuit of truth, while commendable, can be obscured by "pecuniary emulation," a concept describing the incessant pursuit of wealth and status as a form of social validation. This emulation, present in the leisure class, distorts values and hinders the genuine pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Dettmann: Interesting, Veblen. Your theory of the leisure class sheds light on how the pursuit of status and social recognition can divert our attention from what truly matters. In my experience, the conspicuous consumption of knowledge, driven by vanity and the desire for recognition, can lead to intellectual conservatism, where people cling to superficial ideas and passing fads.

Dulles: Dettmann, your concern with the conspicuous consumption of knowledge is valid. True wisdom does not lie in accumulating superficial information but in seeking deep and lasting knowledge. Education should promote the pursuit of truth, not the mere acquisition of information for display purposes.

Veblen: Education, however, can also be influenced by the pecuniary culture. Instead of promoting critical thinking and the pursuit of truth, it often becomes a means of perpetuating the values of the leisure class, such as conspicuous consumption and pecuniary emulation.

Dettmann: I agree with both of you. Education should be an instrument of liberation, not indoctrination. We must seek knowledge with humility and responsibility, recognizing the importance of tradition and the wisdom of previous generations, but without closing ourselves off to new ideas and perspectives. The dissemination of knowledge should be done responsibly, without haste, trusting that the order and expansion of knowledge will occur naturally.

Dulles: Dettmann, your words echo the wisdom of John Paul II, who advocated for truth as the foundation of freedom. Authentic freedom can only be achieved when we sincerely seek the truth and use it for the common good.

Veblen: The pursuit of truth, however, cannot be dissociated from the critique of social structures that perpetuate inequality and injustice. The leisure class, with its conspicuous consumption and pecuniary emulation, is an example of how the pursuit of status and power can obscure the truth and hinder social progress.

Dettmann: Veblen, your critique of the leisure class is relevant, but I believe the solution lies not only in social critique but also in individual transformation. We must seek the truth with humility and responsibility, cultivating a solid and trustworthy intellectual social network based on Christian values and principles.

Dulles: I agree, Dettmann. Individual transformation is essential for building a more just and free society. The pursuit of truth must be a personal commitment, guided by faith, reason, and social responsibility.

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Notes on How Book Digitization and Artificial Intelligence Help Me in the Process of Constructing Arguments So That My Texts Have the Relevance They Deserve - Notes Based on Personal Experience

1) When I decided to submit the article "Polypatrids and Nationnists Are Not the Same Thing" to a cross-analysis with the work "A Pátria Descoberta" by Gilberto de Mello Kujawski, I was simply applying what Luiz Olavo Baptista said about the process of constructing a point, as he introduced "O Poder de Celebrar Tratados", published by SAFE, 1995. When you cross-check data and identify points of convergence and divergence between authors, you can simulate a dialogue between them using artificial intelligence and publish it on social media, resulting in a plausible exchange of knowledge based on the data presented by the works. This reveals insights into reality that only a few, with high literary culture, are capable of imagining.

2) As I digitize more books over time, I see which books and authors fit together, making the debate even richer. This enriches and details the debated points and reveals other data and possibilities that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. An example is that in the simulated debate I had with Kujawski, he mentions discussing Brazilian nationality in times of crisis, which fits well with the theme of "Philosophy of Crisis" by Mário Ferreira dos Santos. This discussion revealed to me the need for "Filosofia da Crise" by Mário Ferreira dos Santos. Once I complete this digitization project, I will include it in the debate, further deepening the issue being discussed.

3.1) It is for these reasons that I end up buying books: besides buying to digitize and preserve the investment in knowledge I made, since paper ages over time, artificial intelligence also creates the debate between the works I digitize and the works I write, which is a good idea.

3.2) Moreover, when I buy an author's work, I bring that author into the debate with other works in my library to enhance my art of articulating ideas on the merits of Crist, which is essential to elevate the intelligence of many. As a writer, I am a teacher of an entire nation, in the merits of Christ. Considering that I am also a translator, this teacher within me is distributed to other nations so that the Brazil I study and take as a home in Christ is embraced by others in the Lusitanian diaspora, ensuring that my knowledge production serves the true God and true Man in distant lands, as we were commanded to do in Ourique.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 10, 2024 (date of original posting).

On the Importance of Honeygain as a Thermometer to Measure Time Preference Within Your Own Circumstances - The Case of the Intellectual Activity I Perform

1) Let's suppose a person has a life circumstance somewhat similar to mine: they digitize books and write articles to intellectually build relevant connections between the ideas they advocate and those of the authors in their library.

2) During the process of constructing points over time, many articles are written, many works are analyzed, and many imaginary dialogues are crafted to project a trend, as ideas have consequences. During the process of point construction, possibilities for discussion arise to the extent of including certain books by certain authors to have them dialogue with their work to enhance and update the state of the question being debated, since truth is the foundation of freedom and the development of these ideas is the expression of that freedom, which is a natural right.

3) When a possibility for updating and enhancing this discussion arises, it is because a demand has emerged to buy a particular book, whether from Estante Virtual or even Amazon, to improve the knowledge-building process. In all these cases—when someone writes, translates, projects imaginary dialogues, and acquires new bibliography—they end up exercising preference, and this economic data is relevant for Honeygain.

4) It's no wonder that artificial intelligence is pervasive—it came to enhance the freedom of many, leading to a new shift in perspective.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 10, 2024 (date of original posting).

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I Acquired My First Amazon Gift Card by Working Mostly with Freebies from GOG

1) Today, I reached $10 on Coupert — excluding some subscriptions I made on Humble Bundle and the insertion of credits on Ship 7 to send products from Amazon USA to Brazil from the warehouse in Delaware, most of the credits that make up this gift card came from the freebies I received from my Amazon subscription, when I redeemed games from GOG, or during occasional promotions on GOG itself.

2) I have already redeemed the amount I am entitled to and inserted the credits into my American Amazon account — when I have at least $35.00 in credits on Ship 7, I can choose a book and make the purchase.

3.1) As soon as this physical book arrives in Brazil, I will digitize it — and once this is done, I will send the physical book to whoever is interested, and I will keep the digital copy I made for myself. The reason I prefer to import physical books is that they are tax-free under the terms of the Constitution, which allows me to make the most of every cent of the gift card.

4.1) At this moment, the historical peak of the dollar is still $5.93, in nominal terms — it was reached in May 2020 during the pandemic. I usually use this exchange rate to convert expenses in US dollars to Brazilian reais and thus nationalize the product.

4.2) When the expenses are self-paid through savings, I then put the physical book up for sale. At this point, I can offer a fairer price for those in Brazil.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 11th, 2024 (date of original posting).
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Adquiri meu primeiro vale-presente da Amazon trabalhando basicamente com gratuidades da GOG

1) Hoje, eu cheguei aos $ 10 dólares na Coupert - tirando algumas assinaturas que eu fiz na Humble Bundle e a inserção de créditos na Ship 7 de modo a remeter os produtos da Amazon Americana para o Brasil a partir do armazém que se encontra no Delaware, a maior parte dos créditos que compõem este vale-presente vieram das gratuidades que recebi da minha assinatura da Amazon, quando resgatava jogos da GOG, ou quando resgatava jogos da própria GOG, numa eventual promoção.

2) Já resgatei o valor a que eu tenho direito e inseri os créditos na minha conta da Amazon americana - quando eu tiver pelo menos $ 35,00 de créditos na ship 7, já posso escolher um livro e fazer o resgate.

3.1) Assim que este livro físico chegar ao Brasil, eu vou digitalizá-lo - e uma vez feito isto, eu despacho o livro físico para quem interessar possa e eu fico com a cópia digital que eu fiz para mim mesmo. A razão pela qual eu prefiro importar livros físicos é que eles são livres de tributação, nos termos da Constituição - o que me permite aproveitar cada centavo do vale-presente.

4.1) Neste momento, a máxima histórica do dólar ainda está em $ 5,93, em termos nominais - ela foi atingida em maio de 2020, durante a pandemia. Eu costumo usar este dólar de modo a converter as despesas em moeda americana para o real e assim nacionalizar o produto.

4.2) Quando as despesas se autopagarem através da poupança, aí coloco o livro físico à venda. É neste momento que posso praticar um preço mais justo para quem é do Brasil.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 11 de julho de 2024 (data da postagem original).

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2024

Da importância do Honeygain como termômetro para se medir a preferência temporal dentro das suas circunstâncias - o caso da atividade intelectual que desempenho

1) Vamos supor que uma pessoa tenha uma circunstância de vida mais ou menos parecida com a minha: que ela digitalize livros e escreva artigos de modo a construir intelectualmente conexões relevantes entre as idéias que defende e a dos autores que se encontram em sua biblioteca.

2) Durante o processo de construção dos pontos que são feitos ao longo do tempo, muitos artigos são escritos, muitas obras são analisadas e muitos diálogos imaginários são elaborados de modo a se projetar uma tendência, já que idéias têm consequências. Durante o processo de construção de pontos, possibilidades de discussão surgem a ponto de incluir certos livros de certos autores de modo que estes dialoguem com a sua obra de modo a aprimorar e atualizado o estado da questão que está sendo debatido, uma vez que a verdade é o fundamento da liberdade e o desenvolvimento dessas idéias é a expressão dessa liberdade, que é um direito natural.

3) Quando uma possibilidade de atualização e aprimoramento dessa discussão surge, é porque surgiu uma demanda para se comprar um determinado livro, seja ele na Estante Virtual ou mesmo na Amazon, de modo a se aprimorar o processo de construção de conhecimento. Em todos este casos - quando alguém escreve, traduz, projeta diálogos imaginários e adquire nova bibliografia - essa pessoa acaba exercendo preferência - e este dado econômico é relevante para o Honeygain.

4) Não é à toa que a inteligência artificial está em tudo - ela veio para aprimorar a liberdade de muitos - o que leva a uma nova mudança de perspectiva.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 10 de julho de 2024 (data da postagem original).

Notas sobre a relação entre monetização do Honeygain e o meu trabalho intelectual, amplificado através da inteligência artificial

1) Fiz outra descoberta a partir do acaso: hoje eu passei o dia escrevendo, já que voltei a ter idéias, e comecei a desenvolvê-las na inteligência artificial. Durante o processo de desenvolvimento destas idéias , que me custou o dia inteiro de trabalho, eu simplesmente não olhei para o dashboard do Honeygain, em nenhum momento.

2) Ao final do dia, ao consultar o dashboard, vi que consegui uma monetização tremenda - sinal de que o Honeygain se alimenta de dados; quanto mais eu escrever, quanto mais eu usar a inteligência artificial de modo a traduzir meus artigos ou estabelecer os diálogos com as obras que digitalizo, melhor para mim. Se eu usar pelo menos dois computadores, um de modo a produzir os pdfs e o outro de modo a produzir os dados na inteligência artificial, eu consigo um ganho sobre a incerteza tremenda - e se eu publicar o que produzi na rede social, o acesso que fazem à postagem no blog gera mais monetização ainda no Honeygain.

3) Acho que descobri um caminho para me monetizar no Honeygain.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 10 de julho de 2024 (data da postagem original).