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terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2024

Polypatrid and nationnist are not the same thing

1) The legislation that generates polypatrids is founded on abstract, purely rational criteria —completely disconnected from reality. If one has a parent with a particular nationality, the child acquires that nationality, combined with the fact that being born in a place grants you nationality. The belief behind these legal criteria is that man is like a blank sheet of paper.

2) These abstract criteria are unfeasible, utopian, and empty, as they generate freedom without connection, laying the groundwork for a freedom that leads to nothing (a symptom of a liberal legal culture without Christ). As we live in a world increasingly without Christ, where marriages dissolve very easily, the issue of polypatrid does not necessarily equate to being nationnist, as many marriages are founded on interest, and dual nationality ends up becoming a kind of privilege. This creates a false nobility, where simply having a connection with these States is enough to be considered a citizen, regardless of whether you contribute positively to making these countries feel like home in Christ.

3) The issue of nationness implies two things: corpus + animus. It is not enough to be born in a place or have an ancestor born in a place — you need physical contact with the land, knowledge of its customs, its economic potential, and its people. Moreover, you need to learn the history of these countries so that you can inhabit them as if they were a single home — this implies participating in the political life of both places. To take them jointly as a single home in Christ requires the will to have dual nationality — and for this, you need to have assets and a presence distributed in these two places so that one can serve the other, through you and your family. This is a much more concrete and qualified basis than the abstract constitutional declaration that defines who does or does not have nationality.

4) Only those who take countries as a home in Christ, occupying them in a way that serves their fellow humans and prospers in those places, have the right to have connections with the lands they occupy. Therefore, no constitutional basis can be divorced from property rights.

5) If we look closely, the current nationality criteria lay the groundwork for the abolition of private property, as they deny everything that can result from owning a place. They abolish the notion of family and God. In short, they are true proto-socialist criteria, as they allow the State to be taken as if it were a religion, where everything is within the State, and nothing can exist outside it.

6) Finally, without tradition, without family, and without property, the beginning of the abolition of private property starts when defining who the national selves are—and this criterion currently exists in an abstract, pure form, without any concrete relation to reality.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, August 12th, 2015 (date of original posting).

Link to the original post:

Aphorism about aristocracy and oligarchy

1) I don't hide anything – I just don't cast pearls before swine, in the sense of sharing what I know with those who are truly unworthy.

2) From my experience, those who truly clothe themselves in Christ to the point of loving and rejecting the same things as the True God and True Man loved and rejected are indeed few. And only these few, who are capable of seeing the Christ who makes His Holy Dwelling in me through the Holy Eucharist, are worthy of hearing what I have to say. 

3) My audience, as Bastiat says, is what the being that maintains what is convenient, even if dissociated from the truth, does not want to see: they are the angels, the saints, and God itself. It is from these that I want applause, through the merits of Christ; from the world, I naturally expect boos.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, July 8th, 2024 (date of original posting).

segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2024

Scandinavia: terra vocata al mare

1) Fin dai tempi dei vichinghi, la Scandinavia è vocata al mare. Prima ancora dei britannici, portoghesi, spagnoli, genovesi e veneziani, i nordici fecero del mare la loro terra.

2) Per chi lavora nei settori delle assicurazioni e dei trasporti, questo è un luogo importante. Qui c'è una presenza significativa di assicuratori, armatori, agenti logistici, P&I Club(s). Qui c'è una circolazione di ricchezze. Qui ci sono porti e infrastrutture di trasporto ben sviluppati.


Paulo Henrique Cremoneze

LinkedIn, 8 luglio 2024 (data della pubblicazione originale)

Link della pubblicazione originale:

Scandinavie: terre vocacionnée à la mer

1) Depuis l'époque des Vikings, la Scandinavie est vocacionnée à la mer. Avant même les Britanniques, les Portugais, les Espagnols, les Génois et les Vénitiens, les Nordiques ont fait de la mer leur terre.

2)Pour ceux qui travaillent dans les domaines des assurances et des transports, c'est un endroit important. Ici, il y a une présence importante d'assureurs, d'armateurs, d'agents logistiques, de P&I Clubs. Ici, il y a une circulation de richesses. Ici, il y a des ports et des infrastructures de transport bien développés.


Paulo Henrique Cremoneze

LinkedIn, 8 juillet 2024 (date de la publication originale)

Lien de la publication originale :

Escandinavia: tierra vocacionada al mar

1) Desde los tiempos de los vikingos, Escandinavia está vocacionada al mar. Incluso antes que los británicos, portugueses, españoles, genoveses y venecianos, los nórdicos hicieron del mar su tierra.

2) Para quienes trabajan en las áreas de seguros y transportes, este es un lugar importante. Aquí hay una importante presencia de aseguradoras, armadores, agentes logísticos, P&I Club(s). Aquí hay circulación de riquezas. Aquí hay puertos y estructuras de transporte bien desarrollados.


Paulo Henrique Cremoneze

LinkedIn, 8 de julio de 2024 (fecha de la publicación original)

Link de la publicación original:

Skandynawia: ziemia związana z morzem

1) Od czasów wikingów, Skandynawia była związana z morzami. Jeszcze przed Brytyjczykami, Portugalczykami, Hiszpanami, Genueńczykami i Wenecjanami, Nordycy uczynili z morza swoją ziemię.

2) Dla tych, którzy działają w obszarach ubezpieczeń i transportu, jest to ważne miejsce. Tutaj jest znacząca obecność ubezpieczycieli, armatorów, agentów logistycznych, P&I Club(s). Tutaj cyrkulują bogactwa. Tutaj są dobrze rozwinięte porty i struktury transportowe.


Paulo Henrique Cremoneze

LinkedIn, 8 lipca 2024 (data oryginalnego posta)

Link do oryginalnego posta:

Scandinavia: A Land Devoted to the Sea

1) Since the times of the Vikings, Scandinavia has been devoted to the seas. Even before the British, Portuguese, Spanish, Genoese, and Venetians, the Nordics made the sea their land.

2) For those who work in the fields of insurance and transportation, this is an important place. Here, there is a significant presence of insurers, shipowners, logistics agents, and P&I Clubs. Wealth circulates here. There are well-developed ports and transportation structures.


Paulo Henrique Cremoneze

LinkedIn, July 8th, 2024 (date of the original post):

Link to the original post: