1) In ontology, we study being as a being. This being can be eternal - capable of overcoming death, just as our God is - or not being able to overcome death to the point that his experience is conditioned by the circumstances and vicissitudes of his time, as Ortega y Gasset well defined.
2) The human being has a personality, which is the way that a particular individual has to adapt to the reality that surrounds him, in order to serve his fellowmen. The adaptation is the way he found in order to survive in society, in this human ethos. This forms the basis of his personality.
3.1) From adaptation comes creation, a whole culture. All personal cultural production is done in order to understand the reality that surrounds him, since the desire for knowledge is innate. Even Adam, before having a wife, named all known creatures.
3.2) Just as sin entered through one man, virtue will enter into another: through Christ. If someone turns knowledge into something revolutionary by building an entire legal and cultural order towards nothingness, another person will appear capable of covering the hole created in society due to the lack of meaning that liberalism produces, in another hand.
3.3) D. Pedro and José Bonifácio opened a hole (actually, a crater) in society with the false claim that Brazil was a colony of Portugal. This generated a very large historical cognitive parallax to the point of closing us to this serious truth: that Brazil was founded to serve Christ in distant lands, as it was established in Ourique. The more we hate Portugal, the more we will start to hate true knowledge, our reason for being to the point of preserving what is convenient and dissociated from the truth.
4.1) The philosophy of the Brazilian crisis is a philosophy of the crisis of being, since there was a coup in such a way to disconnect us from the supernatural, generating a permanent crisis of vocations, causing nothing to make any real sense, not even the regime republican, which is derived from this coup. This is a political, social, cultural and spiritual crisis - it is of a cosmic and civilizing nature. It affects not only the individual, but the entire society, which is on the verge of anomie.
4.2) How to treat society? Treating the individual and the individual's family. This is the base - without virtuous individuals, you have no virtuous society.
4.3) How is the treatment? Teaching History of Brazil from the miracle of Ourique to the point of the indivual can sse Christ in everything and in everyone. This is where the meaning of our homeland begins to be taken as a home in Christ. Ourique is our raison d'être, since it is from the Holy Cross that we will overcome any crisis. And in the logotherapy that must be directed to society, the true foundational history must be taught to the point of loving God above all things and thus having some hope in this valley of tears, in this order of things that is more and more meaningless.
José Octavio Dettmann
Rio de Janeiro, July 12th, 2020.