1) Of this false right that is committed to the lie that Brazil was a colony of Portugal, I am on the left of this. Therefore, I am counter-revolutionary.
2.1) This false right makes this apatria its party and it is headed by the Army - the same Army that overthrew the monarchy, that instituted civil marriage, that secularized the State, that instituted divorce and so many other immeasurable arbitrariness.
2.2) It joined the communist party and together they are creating revolutionary projects to export to the world, since Brazil, for them, is nothing more than a great laboratory of revolutionary experiments, where every utopia is possible. That is why it is a revolutionary paradise - not to say a nightmare -, something similar to a tax haven.
3) The communities imagined by revolutionaries are social science laboratories par excellence. Their ballast is the lie that the country has a colonial past, even if it was invented, when, in fact, Portugal expanded in order to spread the Christian faith, due to the mission of serving Christ in distant lands. And in this process, Portugal took these lands as its home in Christ to the point of being other types of Portugal, within its circumstances. And Portuguese America is the reproduction of its features within these same circumstances.
4.1) In this process of saying that I am on the left of this false right, I am on the right of that which is founded on the Father, founded on conformity with the All that comes from God the point of preserving the memory of the pain of Christ, who died on the Cross for me, for the forgiveness of my sins. And at this point, left and right take complementary rather than antagonistic paths. For this reason, I am necessarily left-wing in relation to values based on the animal that lies and I am right-wing in relation to values based on the true God and true Man. And this is not contradictory at all.
4.2.1) There are two movements: one is based on God and the other is based on men. If you are in accordance with the whole that comes from God, you are at the right hand of the Father and, because of this, you are at the left of those who preserve what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, to the point of destroying everything that is most sacred , which are our moral values.
4.2.2) Being left-wing in relation to what is based on the animal that lies is more than being anti-communist - it is also being anti-liberal, anti-Masonic and anti-positivist - in short, against everything that is no good. This counter-revolutionary attitude is very deep and is based on a lot of study of the truth, which is the foundation of freedom.
4.2.3) If I say that I am on the right, then I am on the left of something that is no good, because the revolutionaries are preserving what is convenient and dissociated from the truth to the point of displeasing the true God and true Man.
4.2.4) Estar à direita do Pai implica estar à esquerda de algo que é conservado conveniente e dissociado daquilo que Deus estabeleceu para nós no plano da criação. Se eu conservo a dor de Cristo, não posso ser conservantista; se sei que a verdade é o fundamento da liberdade - porque Cristo é o caminho, a verdade e a verdade -, então não posso buscar uma ordem que negue esta realidade, a ponto de fazer dessa falsa liberdade minha prisão espiritual (que é o liberalismo, que é a infância do esquerdismo, ao passo que o comunismo é obstinação desse processo, qualificada pelo tempo cronológico, pela gula de Khronos, pela ganância dos financistas que financiam o movimento revolucionário e pelo materialismo histórico-dialético).
4.2.4) Being at the right hand of the Father implies being at the left of something that is kept convenient and dissociated from what God established for us in the plan of creation. If I preserve the memory of pain of Christ, I cannot be a conservatist of anything against; If I know that truth is the foundation of freedom - because Christ is the way, the truth and the life - then I cannot seek an order that denies this reality, to the point of making this false freedom my spiritual prison (which is liberalism , which is the infancy of leftism, while communism is the obstinacy of this process, qualified by chronological time, by Khronos' gluttony, by the greed of the financiers who finance the revolutionary movement and by historical-dialectical materialism).
4.2.5) As in physics, the question becomes one of reference. If I am in conformity with the All that comes from God, to the point of being at the right hand of the Father, then I am necessarily at the left of everything that is based on the animals that lie, who are destroying all our values in the name of a power project that will only create an existential void in people. This is the false order served for nothing - this is the culmination of liberalism, as a revolutionary ideology, thought from the Masonic lodges. If I am to the right of the idea of anthropocentrism, then I am to the left of the idea that God is the center of all things. How can I place at the center of things an animal that errs and that, in the course of preserving so much of what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, can become an animal that lies? If I am to the right of this idea, then I am to the left of the Father, to the point of being a revolutionary - and the right allowed by the left is born from this premise, from the infancy, or small way, of leftism.
5.1) Indeed, as complementary dyads, right and left are relative categories that serve as a reference to reality, because if they are taken as absolute categories, as antagonistic objects, they can serve imagined ends, instead of serving revealed ends, as many imagine.
5.2.1) As we live in a revolutionary circumstance, and this is our current reality, Brazil, since 1822, has become a community imagined by Freemasonry and its power project is to export revolutionary experiences in order to pave the New Order Worldwide.
5.2.2) That is why the classifications of right and left do not make sense in Brazil, since they no longer respond to the reality of things - the imagination is completely contaminated with ideas manufactured by the French Revolution to the point of making our worldview has become practically de-Christianized over the centuries. After all, weren't they the ones who sold the idea that truth is relative?
5.2.3) It is at this point, therefore, that our imagination needs to be re-educated to be at the service of what was established in Ourique, which is the status quo prior to the act of apatria of 1822.
José Octavio Dettmann
Rio de Janeiro, May 25th, 2023 (date of original post).