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terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2024

Nota de experiência - Do pontencial de se transformar textos manuscritos em e-books

1) Faz tempo que eu não escrevo num caderno - a última vez que fiz um texto escrito de forma tradicional, manuscrita, data de 2015, quando estava fazendo curso de inglês no Mosteiro de São Bento, aqui no Rio de Janeiro.

2) Houve uma época, por volta de 2017, em que cheguei a digitalizar notas de um caderno, em que tecia comentários com as minhas impressões a respeito dos livros que havia lido durante a faculdade. Quando mostrei isto a um colega meu no Facebook, ele achou esta iniciativa ridícula, a tal ponto que bloqueei o sujeito.

3) Eu sempre prezei textos manuscritos, sobretudo de quem tem letra muito bonita e facilmente legível - para preservar estes legados do passado, considero a digitalização muito pertinente, pois documentos são monumentos que devem sempre venerados, pois eles apontam para Deus. Se a inteligência artificial estiver bem desenvolvida, ela pode traduzir a caligrafia em texto digital, a ponto de serem transformados em dados que pode ser editados a partir do computador - e neste ponto, o passado ganha vida novamente no presente, a ponto de ser enriquecido com anotações e comentários complementares, bem como em traduções para outros idiomas de modo que a produção intelectual caseira de tempos anteriores possa servir a outros Cristos necessitados que estejam em terras distantes.

4) A "intelijumência" do meu colega só mediu as coisas pelo tamanho de sua estupidez e não foi capaz de ver o futuro, o que não podia ser visto a não ser nos méritos de Cristo - e quando ele veio, a Inteligência Artificial mostrou-me que ele não passava de um idiota. Eis a razão pela qual eu o mantenho bloqueado - e muito bem bloqueado, diga-se de passagem, pois idiotas não merecem perdão nunca, em nenhum momento; eles não vêem a Deus naquilo que é importante, uma vez que eles só sabem conservar o que lhes conveniente e sempre dissociado da verdade. E eu odeio essa gente.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 18 de junho de 2024 (data da postagem original).

Nota de experiência - Do potencial dos destaques que podem ser feitos a partir das páginas já digitalizadas que produzi no passado

1) Sempre que concluo um projeto de digitalização, eu costumo guardar as fotos processadas, pois há a possibilidade de os pdfs ficarem corrompidos com a ação do tempo - e quando isso acontece, eu uso o Adobat Acrobat 9 Pro Extended para recriar o pdf e ele fica pronto para um novo uso.

2) Eu havia planejado, para o instagram originalmente, fazer destaques das digitalizações dos livros de modo a tecer comentários logo em seguida acerca de pontos importantes, mas acho que posso transformar meu blog num flog, enriquecido de comentários pertinentes. O instagram pede que eu trabalhe com um smartphone - e isto é complicado para mim, já que eu prefiro trabalhar com um computador, quando o assunto é escrever.

3) Outro uso que posso fazer dos destaques a parir das páginas processadas é traduzi-las para outros idiomas, usando o ChatGPT - dessa forma, eu consigo fazer uma tradução de modo a produzir o que realmente me importa, que é o texto de modo a atender as necessidade de um público leitor específico. E uma vez estes livros estando livres de direitos autorais, eu contrato um editor, que prepara os meus originais e bota o livro para ser publicado.

4) E aí a editora está prontinha para atuar, vendendo tudo o que é interessante, sem ficar dependendo da mediocridade alheia.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 18 de junho de 2024 9data da postagem original).

Nota de experiência - sobre o potencial do self-storage

1) Hoje, tão logo acordei e assumi o computador para trabalhar, eu me deparei com uma propaganda de uma empresa daqui do Rio que oferece soluções self-storage - a última vez em que eu havia visto soluções dessa natureza foi numa propaganda num streaming americano de dez dez anos atrás, da Public Store, enquanto aguardava o começo de uma partida de baseball.

2) Na época em que vi essa propaganda por streaming, achei a idéia interessante, mas essa solução não existia no Brasil. Hoje, dez ano depois, eu vejo que a idéia aqui chegou - ao menos, no eixo Rio-São Paulo. A empresa que fornece a solução, a Moby Self-Storage, está no mercado há sete anos e só agora que eu tomei conhecimento dela.

3) O valor do box menor que ela cobra é de R$ 80,00, no seu aluguel mensal - este preço é válido para todos os lugares do Rio de Janeiro, menos Barra da Tijuca. Quando os juros da poupança ao menos valerem três vezes este valor no seu melhor aniversário, eu considero alugar um espaço para guadar minhas coisas.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 18 de junho de 2024 (data da postagem original).

segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2024

Comentários a esta postagem de Olavo de Carvalho de quase vinte anos atrás

"Aprenda três ou quatro línguas e só use o português para ler material universitário de Portugal, que é muito bom em todas as áreas. Se não puder sair do Brasil fisicamente, saia intelectualmente. O que há de valioso na nossa cultura passada assimila-se em dois anos no máximo, com exceção da obra de Mário Ferreira dos Santos, que leva uma vida inteira, mas que você pode carregar debaixo do braço na sua fuga para fora do país ou para dentro de si mesmo."

Olavo de Carvalho - Diário do Comércio, 4 de setembro de 2006


1) Graças à inteligência artificial, à minha capacidade de digitalização e ao fato de que a Amazon e o Abebooks podem me fornecer o todos os livros de que necessito, sou capaz de ler, comentar e traduzir textos nestes idiomas: inglês, francês, espanhol, italiano, polonês, alemão, holandês, sueco, além do português.

2) Graças ao senso de servir a Cristo em terras distantes, que foi estabelecido em Ourique, eu sou capaz de sair do Brasil intelectualmente, ainda que eu não saia de casa, geograficamente falando. E por conta de estar me santificando através do estudo e do trabalho intelectual que faço na rede social nos méritos de Cristo, eu sou capaz de conhecer pessoas interessantes, que podem ser uma porta de entrada para que eu tome o país delas como um lar em Cristo tanto quanto o meu país de origem, já que eu não sou ingrato por natureza.

3) A arte de ser brasileiro começa a partir da arte de ser português - você tem a Terra de Santa Cruz por berço, mas você tem o mundo inteiro onde você pode morrer, se não for ingrato a Deus e não tiver complexo de vira-latas, já que a contra-revolução que restaurará os valores fundadadores da Terra de Santa Cruz virá da Lusitânia Dispersa. Tomemos estas novas terras como um mesmo lar em Cristo  - elas colaborarão com o Brasil, quando a civilização for restaurada, após a derrocada do comunismo.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, 17 de junho de 2024 (data da postagem original).

Experience Note on my interest in learning German, Dutch, and Swedish to gain knowledge of specific aspects of the history of these peoples, particularly related to the History of Commerce (such as the Hanseatic League or the Kalmar Union, for example)

German town during the time of the Hanseatic League
Dutch trading with natives of North America

 1) Due to my interest in the Hanseatic League and the Kalmar Union, I started frequenting Amazon Sweden to find books that deal with these topics.

2) Unfortunately, the Swedish books that cover both the Hanseatic League and the Kalmar Union are older publications, which means I will have to import them directly from Abebooks.

3.1) Anyway, because of my interest in specific subjects, I began to be interested in books in German, Dutch, and Swedish. This allows me to read books written by specialists who write in these languages, to take advantage of what they have to say.

3.2) As for considering Holland, Germany, and Sweden as a home in Christ, as much as Brazil or even Poland, this degree of investment, inherent in this process of settlement which is based on the merits of Christ, is still far from reality. Many members of these societies still reject the Catholic faith as the real reason for being for these peoples, which makes my interest in these peoples relative to what they have done best, which is commerce, whether from the perspective of the Commercial Renaissance or the perspective of the expansion of overseas commercial empires in America.

3.3) For this reason, studying the history of these peoples in what they did best seems interesting to me, in order to gain knowledge of their historical experiences, since I will not be dependent on the academic know-it-alls we have in our universities, who only know how to talk nonsense.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, April 23rd, 2024 (original posting date).

How Charity Cooled in England: Notes on the English Poor Laws

Practical example of English Poor laws under Elizabeth I
1) On one occasion, I was watching Ítalo Lorenzon's YouTube channel, Ligando os Pontos. He made the following criticism of the Welfare State: it kills charity. If the destitute have a right to demand from the State to have their plight remedied, they will feel more ungrateful and disconnected from the community on which they depend. At this point, they cease to be an "ubogi" and become a "biedny," living according to the dictates of matter, at the mercy of the present day. In this sense, they become more of a soldier of the revolution, in the Germanic sense of the term, as they have nothing to lose except the reason to preserve what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, to the point of becoming mad.

2.1) The Welfare State, social assistance, began with the English Poor Laws. As this cooled charity, it emptied the sense of conformity with the All that comes from God to the point that this not only strengthened the authority of the King as head of the Church, in the time of the Tudors, but also weakened Catholic authority in England, as the tyrannical State, taken as if it were a religion, grew in power so quickly. It is no wonder that rock bands from England criticize the regime so much to the point of associating it with fascism - and in this regard, they are right.

2.2.1) As heresies dominated the social scene, Freemasonry found fertile ground to prosper to the point that they instilled progressive ideas into medieval guilds, generating an industrialist mentality. With the industrialist mentality came the hygienist mentality, from which arose the idea of treating the poor as incapable, to the point of being interned in an asylum or sanatorium.

2.2.2) This brutal process of social transformation became particularly stronger during the times of the Puritan Revolution, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution. The poor were seen as "biedny," condemned, while those who had wealth, the captains of industry, were seen as predestined to salvation. This revolutionary experiment was so successful and marketed as a virtuous process that it was exported worldwide through a true marketing coup. In Brazil, during the Old Republic, the hygienist practices of Oswaldo Cruz were very significant and traumatic for the society of the time, especially during Pereira Passos' "bota-abaixo" that modernized the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as during the so-called Vaccine Revolt.

3.1) Since the pandemic, we are seeing the re-edition of the totalitarian State in our times, the so-called Welfare State. To prevent the State from making undue interference in others' rights, we need to take care of each other, as we need to care for our neighbor as we care for ourselves through the merits of Christ, since there will always be poor (ubogis) among us, in the sense of needy Christs - and they need Christ-princes (bogatys) to support them, being the bank of God. The greatest proof of this is the Humanitarian Crisis in Rio Grande do Sul - people from all over Brazil mobilized to help the people of Rio Grande do Sul before the totalitarian State took over everything, leaving everything in the hands of the State and nothing against it or outside of it.

3.2) The true war against this totalitarian government is that we will not allow them to kill our freedoms, our sense of taking the country as a home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ - without Him, nothing makes sense. He is the reason for our civilization's existence.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, May 22, 2024 (date of original posting).

When Profession Becomes Nationality - Notes on Some Compared Aspects of the History of Brazil and Poland, in an Attempt to Take Both Countries as the Same Home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ

Brazilians removing brazilwood when Brazil was newly discovered. Image generated using Google's AI, Gemini

Poles cultivating the fields in Poland. Image generated using Google's AI, Gemini
Candangos building Brasilia

Brasiliano - Someone born in Brasília (the demonym "brasiliense" or "candango" also applies to those born in the federal capital).

Brasileiro - Someone born in Brazil (originally, one who sanctifies themselves through the work of extracting brazilwood, the first wealth of the Land of the Holy Cross, during the process of formation and settlement of this land).

Pole (Polish) - Field.

Poland - The land where people sanctify themselves through the work of cultivating the fields.

Polish - Someone born in Poland who takes this land as a home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ.

Niepodległości (Polish) - Independence (in the sense of non-subjection) - in the liberal sense of the term, it means ceasing to submit to the true God and true Man to subject oneself to the dictates of an animal that lies in the name of truth: of a Lula, for example. This was the nefarious work of the supposed "libertadores" of America: they subjected entire peoples to the condition of heimatlos (statelessness).

Heimatlos (German, Constitutional Law term) - Stateless.

1) When Brazil separated from Portugal, there was a discussion about what demonym would be used to refer to the people born in Brazil: whether it would be "brasileiro," "brasiliense," or "brasiliano." The idea of a capital for this new community imagined by Freemasonry was even launched: Brasília, which would only be founded on April 21, 1961.

2) The foundation of Brazil's independence was that it was a colony of Portugal. And because they conserved what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, they acted like the false "libertadores" of America: they founded the new capital and put us in an ideological prison - proving that the so-called independence is nothing but an act of statelessness, since they did not want to submit to the true God and true Man and preferred to submit to their self-love to the point of despising God - and the separation of Church and State, in this sense, is clear evidence that God is dead to them, when in fact they are the ones who are dead.

3) Brazil was never a colony, as Tito Livio Ferreira well attested. It began as a Land; then evolved into a Province; then into a State; then into a Vice-Kingdom; then into a Principality until it finally became a Kingdom and gained its autonomy when it became part of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves. During this time that we were part of Portugal, the term colony was always employed as the place where the land is cultivated to serve Christ in other places - the colonists, by sanctifying themselves through the work of tilling the land, followed the example of the Crucified of Ourique and served Christ in distant lands through their principal wealth.

4) Professor Loryel Rocha has always been critical of the term "brasileiro" as a nationality, but I see that the argument is devoid of meaning. If the first "brasileiro" sanctified himself through the work of extracting brazilwood to the point that this became the name of the land, then being Polish is, in a way, being a farmer, as Poland is the land where people sanctify themselves through the work of cultivating fields.

5) But the cultivation of fields is not restricted to the land; there are fields of the soul to be cultivated, so that the need for truth, for conformity with the Whole that comes from God, becomes freedom - this is how people systematically combat conservatism, or the sense of preserving what is convenient and dissociated from the truth, for it is from conservatism that freedom with empty ends is built, the basis of revolution in the Germanic sense of the term, which is bad and destructive.

6) In this sense, it is not only in Brazil that sanctification through work gives rise to the sense of taking the country as a home to the point that the name of the profession becomes nationality. The same thing happens in Poland - it is no coincidence that on the old date we used to celebrate the discovery of Brazil, May 3, the Poles celebrate Constitution Day. It is on the day of the Invention of the Holy Cross that the sense of taking both countries as the same home in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ is revealed.

José Octavio Dettmann

Rio de Janeiro, May 22nd, 2024 (date of original posting).

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